Thursday, September 6, 2007


Wirada Deerajviset
"Intelligence is the way of independently thinking over all reasons"

Charles Darwin
(in front of the vertical surface)
"The very essence of instinct is that it's followed independently of reason"

Stephen Hawking
(behind the vertical surface)
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change"

The overall spaces
Each space has different colour lights which represent an independence of each space.
Darwin's laboratory ---> Red light
Hawking's laboratory ---> Green light
Meeting space ---> Blue light

Darwin's laboratory
(in front of the vertical surface)
Darwin's laboratory moves toward the centre point which is the meeting space. It connects the idea of Darwin leading to the meeting space in order to exchange his idea with Hawking.

The Ramp
The ramp is connected between Darwin's laboratory, the meeting space and Hawking's laboratory. It is made from wire to give the feeling of outer atmosphere. The ramp is transparent for the purpose of transparent view which creates independently thinking.

The Meeting Space
(bird's eye view)
The meeting space is similar to a lighthouse. This image captured shows the steps downward to the meeting space . It presents freedom and independence of idea.

The Hawking's laboratory 1
(behind the vertical surface)
The hawking's laboratory has two different spaces, above the ground and below the ground. The image shows the above ground floor, a side of the laboratory. It captures the broad space and narrow pathway. There is a ramp between the pathway which brings the client to the meeting space.

The Hawking's laboratory 2
(behind the vertical surface)
The image shows the below ground floor from bottom to top direction. It captures the whole sense of space in deep dimensions.

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