Saturday, August 16, 2008




Both found machinima and custom machinima aim to reflect the idea of two video clips (Battlestation Pacific and Combat: Episode 2) that presents a complex interplay of different effects of explosions in different environments (water, air, and ground) and additionally with human.

From the experiment, it appears that the effect of explosions on the ground caused the objects exploded in a radial direction. The radial explosion will be wider when a number of explosive devices increases. Moreover, it can be seen that the effect of explosion causes greater damage when many objects/human were constructed close to each other. The explosion caused fire and damage surrounding objects, particularly in light weight materials and human. On the contrary, the heavy materials did not have much effect from explosions. Porosity emerges when objects directly affected by explosions start to interact with surrounding objects.

Apart from the effect of explosions on the ground, another experiment on the effect of explosion in the air was also conducted. Explosions caused a sudden violent bursting, an intense flash of light, an enormous blast wave, and loud noise in the air. The explosion in water generated dynamic water waves and changed surrounding objects and environments. Whenever there is an explosion, it is hardly to ignore its devastating effects on human body. In comparison with body explosion in water, it can be seen that on the ground, the power of explosive devices has greater influential to human body. This may due to the density of water is greater than air.

The consequence of explosion is enormous no matter where it occurs. It effects on surrounding objects and human causing in damage or even death.

Video Clips 2008, Battlestations Pacific Trailer (HD), Los Angeles, online video, accessed 30 July 2008,
<>. 2008, Combat: Episode 2, Los Angeles, online video, accessed 2 August 2008,

Champollion881124 2007, World War II – Japan, online video, accessed 15 August 2008,

Neo4342 2005, World War II, accessed 15 August 2008,

Week 03 - The Documentary Modes

EXPOSITORY MODE is used as a principle mode in this custom machinima documentary as it is considered as the best mode to illustrate the effect of explosion and represent a narrative of the historical event based on World War II. Throughout the war, massive explosion occurred all over the places. In this documentary, the effect of explosion on the air, water, and ground was focused. Expository mode of documentary explains the situations which actually occurred at the specific, definite time in the past. Several devastating shots of explosions can capture different motions of objects and human affected by explosions.


This experiment aims to investigate a complex interplay of different effects of explosions in different environments (water, air, and ground) and additionally with human. The initial idea of this experiment comes from two video clips namely Battlestation Pacific and Combat: Episode 2. Battlestation Pacific represents the explosion in the environmental surroundings while Combat Episode 2 mainly focuses on the explosion with human. The hypothesis for the effects of explosions on this 3 dimensional field is that different environments result in different effects. It also examines whether small, medium, and large object elements have any different significant effect from each other. In addition, the intersection between explosion and porosity in this experiment is based on the density of water, air, and ground.


The video presents the combination of a series of experiments on the effect of explosion in different environments: water, air, and ground. The large screen illustrates the effect of explosion on a 3 dimensional field of objects. Whereas, the small screen are the previous experiments in week 1. It mirrors the found video clips (Battlestation Pacific and Combat: Episode 2). The objects varied in size from small to large, for example, wood crates, wood fences, barricade, barrels, trucks, and cinder blocks. In this experiment, each object was carefully employed in constructing 3 dimensional field in order to test the relationship among objects, the explosive devices, and surrounding space.

Week02 - GMod Experiment 03 - 3D Field of Objects

The following three videos are more experimentation on the effect of explosion on different environments: water, air, and ground. They mirror the found video clips (Battlestation Pacific and Combat: Episode 2) and experimentation so far. The objects were constructed in 3 dimensional fields. They varied in size from small to large. Each object was carefully constructed in this experiment in order to test the relationship among objects, the explosive devices, and surrounding space.


The light weight objects and human were used in this experiment. In comparison with week 01 experiment, the effect of explosion causes greater damage when many objects/human were constructed close to each others. The objects were completely destroyed as can be seen in the last scene. The explosion also generated water waves and changed surrounding environment. This experiment may illustrate some ideas of porosity as there is changing in forms of surrounding objects.


This is another experiment on the effect of explosion in the air. A number of dynamites were tied with balloons. It caused a sudden violent bursting and loud noise in the air.


Various kinds of objects were used in this experiment. The heavy materials such as trucks and cinder blocks did not have much effect by the explosion. Unlike light weight materials: wood crates, wood fences barricade, and barrels, the explosion caused in fire and damage surrounding objects and human.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The above video combines the experiments of explosion so far. It consists of both found machinima clips (Battlestation Pacific and Combat: Episode 2) and custom machinima clips that I created. All clips are combined together in order to disclose the effect of explosion on objects in different environments including water, air, and ground. Moreover, it was also observed on how human are affected by the explosion. The story represents the Second World War situation. The consequence of explosion is enormous no matter where it occurs. It effects on surrounding objects and human causing in damage or even death.


Fotosearch 2008, Sound Clip – Evil Monks, accessed 8 August 2008,
<>. 2008, Battlestations Pacific Trailer (HD), Los Angeles, online video, accessed 30 July 2008, <>. 2008, Combat: Episode 2, Los Angeles, online video, accessed 2 August 2008, <>.

Week01 - Gmod Experiment 02 - The Effect of Explosion on Human Body

The following three clips mirror the found explosion machinima called Combat: Episode 2 (See also Machinima – EXPLOSION 02). They were investigated on the effect of explosion on human body in different environments including water, air, and ground.


Test l – Human was a main component in this experiment. The experiment was focused on how people were affected by explosion on water surface. The power of dynamites forced human bodies to bounce or drop down from the boats. Its effect also caused the boats to be wrecked. This suggests the idea of porosity as the explosion effects surrounding objects.
Test ll – Test ll shows body explosion underwater. By shooting, it generated bubbles underwater. From the investigation, the bodies did not sink, but they floated slowly to the water surface.


Test l – This test shows the reaction between human and explosion in the air. The dynamite does not explode the human body in GMod, but the bodies are affected by that explosion. It caused human to bounce. The result was similar as testing the light wood boxes in previous experiment.
Test ll - The effect of explosion in the air did not only cause the death of human in the air, but also on the ground nearby.


Test I – The test demonstrates two types of people group: non-responding people and responding people. After exploding the grenades, non-responding people were scattered in radial direction, whereas responding people ran away from the point of explosion.
Test ll - In comparison with body explosion underwater, it can be seen that on the ground, the power of gun has greater influential to human body. It forced the bodies far backwards. This may due to the density of water is greater than air.

Week01 - Machinima - EXPLOSION 02

Whenever there is an explosion, it is hardly to ignore its effect on human body. The machinima movie below shows an interesting example of the effect of explosion on human body. This video is named ‘Combat: Episode 2’.

The video gathers a range of body explosion scenes from game engines. Each explosion varies accordingly to different situations and environments. The video scenes mainly emphasize on people. The scenes are quickly changed, but still filled with the idea of explosion. Moreover, the music works powerfully in each scene. Thus, these techniques make the video interesting. From the video, I would also like to experiment this effect of explosion on human in different environments: water, air, and ground. The below images illustrate the idea of body explosion from the video.

REFERENCE 2008, Combat: Episode 2, Los Angeles, online video, accessed 2 August 2008,

Week01 - GMod Experiment 01- Explosion

The following three clips mirror the found explosion machinima called Battlestation Pacific (See also Machinima – EXPLOSION 01). They reflect the effect of explosion on water, air, and ground between various objects and explosive devices.


The video was tested the effect of explosion on water and objects above water by using grenade. Although, it did not show much vigorous, it appears that there were some shockwaves and fire through the water. These effects resulted in damaging on surrounding objects (boats).


In order to experiment the effect of explosion in the air, many light wood boxes were constructed on a tree, and dynamites were used as explosive devices. The result was quite impressive. The boxes were broken off into small pieces and scattered on the ground. This presents the notion of porosity as the objects changed their forms due to the effect of explosion.


In the above video, the light wood boxes were simply placed on the ground. In contrast with the experiment of explosion in the air, it appears that the effect of dynamites on the ground caused the objects exploded in a radial direction. The radial explosion will be wider when a number of explosive devices increases. .