Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snakes abd Ladders in UT3

To create a game inspired by Snakes and Ladders game in UT3 environment. The game should involve activities and rules in which players have to make some decisions and take a risk in order to achieve a certain goal.

The distinctive elements between the original and our UT3 Snakes and Ladders game:
Original Game - Snakes and Ladders can be played by a number of players, more than two on a playing board with numbered grid squares.
UT3 Game – Our game also provides for multiplayer. It is constructed in a 3 dimensions gaming space rather than the original grid paper.
One starting point and one ending goal
Original Game - Each player starts with a token in the starting square and takes turn to roll a single die to move to the goal.
UT3 Game – After the game trailer, players will start on the ground level of the building. At that place, there are only four slabs waiting for transferring players to the upper levels. Players need to combat each others to be the first person who reaches the top.
Original Game - If they land on the bottom of ladders, then they can move the token up. On the other hand, if they land on the higher-numbered square of a pair with a snake, they must move down.
UT3 Game – In stead of snakes or ladders, moving slabs are used in this UT3 environment. The slabs will be moving either up or down. Thus, the players have to a make decision and take luck in this game.

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